Misty Aquarium

On the bottom shelf of the bookcase in my room I have this box of shells that I collected on beaches in Africa and Europe years ago. It is a wooden box with a hinged glass top. Recently Luke discovered it and pulled out a beautiful cone-shaped shell and asked if he could have it. I told him it was a magic shell and that if you made a wish to the shell it would be granted. He thought about it and then wished for a minivan (he's been obsessed with getting a minivan for almost a year). When the ceiling didn't slide open revealing a Honda Odyssey ready to drop into the room, he looked pretty disappointed. I told him he just had to wait for his wish to come true. Then he told me to make a wish on the shell. I held it reverently and said, "I wish someone was hugging me." Luke jumped into my lap and gave me a big hug, and I exclaimed, "My wish came true!"
Teo has decided to celebrate his 8th month by learning to crawl. Last Tuesday I put him down on a mattress we have on the floor of the basement for jumping and for wrestling (we often play Luke & Matteo vs. Mama SMACKDOWN on it). He wasn't happy about being put down, but I sat him in the middle and crouched down next to the mattress and beckoned him with encouraging words and enthusiastic gestures. He determinedly planted his hands down, and... crawled! Forwards and everything. I was all excited and returned him to the middle so he would do it again. But having already traversed that path, he flat-out refused. Like, wrathful-screeching refused. I decided to spare him the indignity.
I took the boys to Lake Compounce (the country's oldest amusement park) yesterday with Sofie and her family. Luke adores Sofie, who is adorable, and the two of them crack me up. Sofie is four months older, a head taller, and acts like Luke's surrogate mom. One of their favorite games to play is that Luke is the baby and Sofie is the Mommy. The last time Sofie came over to the house for a playdate, Luke actually came downstairs holding a newborn diaper and asked Tina to put it on him. She was like, "First of all, that's never going to fit you." (I threw a bunch of newborn diapers into Luke's bin of baby dolls and their clothes so that he could "diaper" his babies when he plays. When Sofie comes over the babies are the first toys they take out.)