Saturday, September 22, 2012

Samurai or Countertenor?

Last night on the drive to a cookout, Luke (11) told me he still doesn't know what he wants to be when he grows up. I told him that wasn't a problem, that most of my high school seniors who are applying to college don't know what they want to be. He was surprised by this and said he thought college was meant to be preparation for your job. I explained how people often just choose a broad path like humanities, and that if you major in something like math that you can go into a lot of different careers. Then he said to me, "Tell me more about Samurai." I explained to him that this was not a modern career path, much to his disappointment. After a little random discussion about the difference between ninjas and samurai, he told me that his music teacher taught them that the most rare adult male voice is a countertenor, and as a result countertenors make a good living. Then Luke said maybe he'll be lucky and end up with a countertenor voice when his voice changes. I explained to him that I was an alto, the lowest adult female voice, in my chorus days, and that he might not want to put too many hopes on the whole countertenor thing. "I'm pretty sure it's not genetic, mom," was his reply.


Blogger leeapeea said...

Well, he's not shying away from actual work when looking at career paths. Both Samurai and Countertenors put in HOURS of (unpaid) training and practice. :-D

7:50 AM  

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