Friday, May 04, 2012

My little man has recently lost three of his front teeth! Last night he lost the latest one while eating an ear of corn on the cob. Gio says that he kept eating the corn even after he had no front teeth to eat it with. I'm impressed. Can't believe my little guy is growing up so fast. He lost the first of this latest round of three two nights before Easter. We decided to save the tooth and put it under his pillow the night before Easter so that he could have a "busy night" like the one in one of his favorite picture books--one where the Easter bunny and the tooth fairy both came in the same night. I wasn't sure if he still believed in the tooth fairy, but I became convinced after a lot of deliberation about whether the tooth fairy would be able to find his tooth if he put it in small ceramic container on the nightstand next to his bed. He wanted to put it under his pillow, but I wouldn't let him sleep with something breakable under his pillow. The next morning, in addition to the dollar that the tooth fairy left, the Easter bunny left three jelly beans in the container where his tooth had been (in addition to his rocking basket downstairs). :)


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