The Darndest Things
Lately, Luke has been saying a lot of amazing things.
Recently, on the way home from school, he said to me in a melancholy tone, "Mommy, I wish I was five already. I'm tired of being little." It just about broke my heart. I had plans to go see my friend Christina and her new little baby that afternoon, and I called her up to see if I could bring Luke. I told him, "You think you're little, wait till you see Oscar." He cheered up right away. Then my friend Fran sent me this poem for him:
by Dorothy Aldis
When you can catch
And throw a ball
And spell
And Pig,
Then you have finished
Being small
And started
Being Big.
Two nights ago Luke climbed into my bed because he couldn't sleep. I was lying there reading after putting him to bed. That afternoon on the way home from school we'd had a little conversation about sharing because some boys at school weren't sharing the blocks with him. So he gets into bed, settles in with obvious relish, looks at me and says, "Mommy, when you don't let me come in your bed, that's not sharing."
Last night Teo had a bad night and I had to go in there every 90 minutes and hold him and rock him to sleep. After one of these episodes, I got back in my bed, disturbing Luke a little (yes, he has been in my bed a lot lately). He opened his eyes and said, "Mommy! You forgot to buckle me in!" I told him he was talking in his sleep, and he said, "Oh," turned over and was still again.