Saturday, May 07, 2005

Happy Mother's Day

So, Luke's been working on a top secret mothers' day project for us all week. Our only hint was that we were supposed to bring in 12 quarter-sized pictures of family members. Now, it seems to me that a mother shouldn't have to do difficult work of this kind for her own gift. Nevertheless, I complied.

Yesterday Luke presented us with this lovely family clock and a card that said, "Mommy & Mama, I heart U around the clock. Happy Mother's Day!" It also said, "I love my mommy because...she plays computer games with me, sometimes she paints my face, she packs me cheese sticks in my lunch." "I love mama because...I like watching TV with her, she plays video games with me, I like going to water parks with Mama."

Clearly electronic forms of entertainment are a big part of our family life. Thank God for water parks.

Belatedly I realized that we had left Tina's side of the family entirely out of our 12 pictures. It hadn't even occurred to me until Tina mentioned it. I realized how recent it is for me to really consider them a part of our kids' family. Then I felt bad, of course. We decided we would find out where Miss Randi and Miss Geralynn got these materials and do a clock of Luke and Teo's filipino family, too. Tina had the idea of keeping that clock on California time, which I think is just brilliant. I can never keep the time change straight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Joslyn and Tina, Dad and I are really enjoying this website.
It is a great way for us to keep up with the kids development. Have you started Tao on cereal of any kind yet? Love, Mom

8:41 AM  

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