Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Toes and Carrots

For months now Teo has watched us all eating food with puppy dog eyes of reproach. He just can't figure out why we're denying him something we so obviously enjoy. There is certainly a lot of pressure from other people to start shoveling solid food into our children as soon as they get a little neck control. Teo is not yet six months, and that is the bare minimum age at which we will give solid food. Parents have to have some principles to live by. Alright, so he is getting very close to six months. Tonight at dinner he looked at me so earnestly as he watched food travel from my plate to my mouth; Tina reached out and grabbed a stick of raw carrot and gave it to him. His face was priceless. It went right in his mouth, and he gummed it delightedly for a while. Then he pulled Tina's empty plate closer to him so he could put the carrot on the plate instead of the table. It was like he was saying to us, "I know how this works."

Right now he's contentedly eating his toes. He's pretty proud of himself and in a great mood. In fact, this is the best mood he's been in for a long time. It's possible the antibiotics for his ear infection and the prescription ointment for his eczema are just finally making him comfortable, but I think it's the diet of toes and carrots.


Blogger Encarna said...

Even though I was there for this little event, I so enjoy reading about it later. Thanks for doing this. I promise I'll get more audio and video up soon on Merely Marvelous.

11:58 AM  

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