Thursday, April 28, 2005

Boxers AND Briefs, Addendum

So this morning I got Luke out of bed by telling him that while he was asleep I had washed and folded all of his clothes and put them in his bureau. Most mornings we go through at least ten minutes of "I don't want to go to school, I don't want to get out of bed, five more minutes..." but today he hopped out of bed, very excited, and chose his favorite outfit--all Batman, all the time. And his black Power Rangers underwear. Anyway, I was hurrying him out of the house because I had an 8:00 am appointment with a parent at school, but when I opened the door he decided he wanted to put pants on over his Batman shorts. He went upstairs, and when he didn't emerge quickly, I ran up to see if I could help him. After I smoothed the lumps out of his shorts for him, he said, I just need to look in my top drawer. I wasn't sure what he wanted there but thought whatever it was would take less time than a fight. So I helped him line up his stool in front of the bureau and held him steady as he pulled the drawer open. He surveyed the dozens of pairs of underwear and a rainbow of rolled socks and made the kinds of noises people make at fireworks. He just wanted to drink in the sight of all those clean underclothes before he left for school.


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