After all the excitement of Teo's Rainforest Café birthday party yesterday, the kids and I were pretty set on having a "pajama day" today; that is, we stay in pajamas all day and don't leave the house. We had a lot of new toys to play with. One that turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be was a Shrinkey-Dinks set that included a tiny Christmas tree that you build and then decorate with the tiny Shrinkey-Dink ornaments that you make. I kind of remember doing Shrinkey-Dinks one time at a neighbor's house when I was a kid, and in my memory they were much more fraught with difficulty (getting stuck to themselves, hardening with strange lumps in them, etc). Today they worked amazingly well and the kids were really into them. The little tree looks adorable.
While we were working on them, Luke played with his favorite goody from the gift bags we gave out yesterday at Teo's party: the tattoo pens. He was very into the full-arm tattoo he gave himself, and he said to me while he was drawing it, "I wish I could show this to Aaron." I told him we could email Aaron a picture, and he was very into that idea and asked if we could send it to Maia and Linnea, too. I really hope this isn't a sign of more permanent things to come...(no offense, Aaron). But I have to say I do mostly admire his handiwork!
Does look pretty cool! Even the parts that must have been hard to reach.
Awesome! I love the vine-like rose garden thing you got going on there! The great thing about a that kind of tattoo is you can get new ones whenever you want and you're never stuck with one picture!
Just so you know, we had a discussion about Aaron's tattoos last week. He said he wanted a permanent one "like Aaron's." I told him he had to be 18 in CT (I think).
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