Grab Bag
Big election today. Of course I took Luke and Teo to vote with me. Luke participated in his school's mock election yesterday, and he voted for Barack Obama. When I asked him why, he was smart enough to be sheepish when he told me it was because everyone else was voting for Obama. That's a good sign. Anyway, so we shmoozed with our neighbors, Pam and Frank, who were volunteering at out voting site, and then I voted and it was all over pretty quickly. It certainly wasn't the first time I've taken the boys with me to vote, but as we walked out of the church, Luke said to me, "Is that it?" "Yeah," I said. "What were you expecting?" "I thought the two guys would be there," he said! I spent some time explaining to him that all the people we know were voting in their own towns and cities all over the US, so McCain and Obama couldn't possibly be in every voting center. He seemed pretty impressed by that. I sidestepped his question about who grandma and poppy were voting for. I figure he's a little young to be introduced to the family's great political divide. Still, I might go upstairs in a little while and whisper in his sleeping ear "democrat...good. republican...bad."
In other news:
Teo calls Transformers (a toy with the commercial catch phrase "More than meets the eye") "Changeformers by the eye."
Luke told me recently that if he has a son he's going to name him either Apollo or Poseidon, and if he has a daughter he's going to name her Chrisellia or Hera.
Hi Jos,
Hannah accompanied me to vote as well. We had similar discussions on the way there. She gets that I am totally a democrat, but she wanted to know what the basic differences between the two parties are. This was not an easy discussion to have while driving. Mainly I talked about being open minded and preserving the rights of all peoples in our nation. We talked about gay marriage. But beyond that, I struggled. I mean it is hard to talk about a woman's right to chose and all that with a child that you have not yet had the s-e-x talk with yet! :)
In the end, it didn't matter. For Hannah, gay marriage is the deciding factor. When we got to that part she simply said, Yeah, OK...I'm a democrat. So there you have it.
The outcome of the election was good! A new day is dawning in the good old US of A.
You should send the "Changeformers by the Eye" idea to Hasbro! It could be a spin-off line. It's got a great ring to it.
What sparked the Mythology interest in Luke?
Leah, the mythology interest comes from us having read him a series of books by Rick Riordan, the first of which is called "The Lightning Thief," about a modern-day kid who finds out he's a son of Poseidon and the Greek Gods are still around and presently live on Mount Olympus which has migrated to hover over NYC somewhere. Good books.
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