Luke's Future

Today while we were riding in the car doing some errands, Luke told me when he grows up and becomes Yellow Power Ranger that he's going to live at McDonalds. We seldom take him to McDonalds and are trying pretty hard to turn him against the food there, so I said, "If you eat at McDonalds all the time, you'll get really fat, and it will be hard to fight bad guys." He told me he's not going to EAT there, he's just going to live there. After a bit of silence in which he was undoubtedly imagining this wonderful life, sleeping in the ball pit, he told me, "There aren't really bad guys, in our world. There's just bears, and scary things like that." I said, "But that's what Power Rangers do, is fight the bad guys. What will you do as a Power Ranger if there aren't any bad guys?" He told me, "I'll fight the bears."
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