Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Rock Star!

So, Luke has now decided he wants to be a rock star when he grows up. I first heard about this a couple of weeks ago when I was trying to talk him and Max into taking piano lessons after school. Luke's gut instinct of course was to say, "No way!", but after a couple of minutes he said he would do it after all because he wants to be a rock star when he grows up. Then he told me he wants to take guitar lessons, but I told him if you learn how to play piano it makes it easier to learn almost every other instrument, so he was game for piano lessons.

Today on the way to his 5-year well child visit a radio dj came on the radio talking about tickets they were giving away. Luke heard "tickets" and started musing that they must be talking about a circus. I said that often radio stations gave away tickets to concerts. So then he says, "I want to sell tickets some day. I've always wanted to do that. When I'm a rock star I'm going to sell a lot of tickets." Then he asked me what kinds of songs he should sing when he's a rock star. I asked him what kind of songs he likes, and he said "I don't know, maybe crazy songs..." I told him if you're a rock star it's a good idea to sing the kinds of songs you like. So then he asked me to find a rock n roll song on the radio for him to listen to. I swear I'm not making any of this up.

During his well child visit, the doctor asked him a bunch of questions (many of them seemed designed to rat me out about my diligence with safety equipment like bike helmets and booster seats, which seemed very underhanded, but my boy did me proud and made me look like supermom). One of them was, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Luke didn't even hesitate. "A rock star!" The doctor thought that was great. He asked him what rock stars do, and Luke said, "Play instruments." "What instrument are you going to play?" "Guitar." The doctor told him he could be anything he wants to be, which made me forgive him for trying to turn my kid into an informant against me.

Tina and I have always thought Luke & Teo and Caleb & Abe would make a really cute boy band. Anyone know any agents?


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